
What Are The Differences Between Google Ads And Facebook Ads?

Paid ads work much faster than other lead generation strategies, and are relatively low cost. Generally, there are two very widely used platforms for paid advertisements, that is Google Ads and Facebook Ads. While both offer the same benefits in terms of cost effectiveness and reach etc, what are the difference between these two?

Google Ads are paid advertisements which create more visibility for a business in search engine results pages. When a person uses certain keywords to make a search, Google will display a business’s ads based on the relevance of the keywords used. Hence these advertisements are shown to the most relevant audiences, those people who are actively interested in the products and services offered by the business and are somewhere in the buying process. In order to create an effective ad campaign that benefits a business, it is always best to hire an experiencedGoogle Ads Agency in Melbourne or elsewhere to support you.

Facebook ads, which are also paid advertisements, are displayed on one of the world’s largest social media platforms, Facebook. Facebook ads are displayed in the newsfeed, Instagram feed, Facebook Marketplace, Messenger Inbox etc, to the most relevant audiences according to the targeting selected by the business. Ads can be targeted according to demographics, location, interests etc, and a goodFacebook Advertising Agency in Melbourne will be able to create and run very effective ads for a business.

One of the biggest differences between the two types of paid advertising methods is their intent. While on Google people are actively searching for something, like information, or a product or service, and the ads are displayed to them according to the keywords or phrases they use, on Facebook ads are displayed to them mainly according to their interests.

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