Facial Plastic Surgery

Anti Ageing Treatments Don T Need The Knife

Submitted by: Sk:n Clinics

Botox has been around for about 15 years as an anti wrinkle treatment, but originally started out as a treatment for an eye condition known as Blepharospasm, or a continuous squinting of the eye. Whilst it is still used pharmacologically for this and several other conditions, it is as an anti aging treatment that Botox has become best known for. Once the treatment of choice for the rich and privileged of Hollywood, Botox is now widely available for everyone, and has even been advertised on television. But is Botox a realistic alternative to more permanent and drastic plastic surgery?

How Botox works

By using facial muscles repeatedly throughout our lifetime, the skin is creased in areas of greatest use. The ageing process causes the slow down of collagen and elastin production in the skin so that as we get older these areas of over use become damaged and the lines become permanent. These are the wrinkles that everyone dreads but are an inevitable part of the ageing process. Botox works by reducing the movement of muscles in these areas, such as when we smile or frown. Once injected with Botox, the skin stops being creased by these muscular movements and is allowed to recover causing the lines to soften or even fade away.


The amount of money that (mainly) women spend on anti-wrinkle treatment creams and lotions is testament to the volume of interest there is in anything that prevents the signs of aging, particularly facial indicators such as crow s feet, frown lines and forehead lines. The fact that Botox has come down in price and is now affordable to ordinary people, and that the number of people booking in for a Botox injection is on the increase also shows that the battle against the signs of aging is moving up a gear.

An alternative to the knife

Plastic surgery is a radical and expensive solution that, although has an immediate and dramatic effect on the signs of ageing, does eventually need to be repeated, and at further cost. There is also a finite number of times the skin around the facial muscles can be manipulated, cut away or pulled back before the face starts to take on a startled mask expression that is neither flattering nor attractive. Botox treatment, on the other hand, can be repeated as often as necessary and although is only a short term measure in comparison to plastic surgery, does give the user the option of controlling just how much facial manipulation takes place. Botox can be targeted to specific areas, such as lines around the eyes, the mouth or the forehead, smoothing out the skin and giving it a more youthful appearance.

It s also quick. A few short injections, a couple of days of redness and the dramatic effects of a Botox anti wrinkle injection is in place at least for a few weeks. This means that you can look your best for an important event such as a wedding without having to spend weeks recovering from plastic surgery.

Botox s availability in spas, skin clinics and beauty salons has become a common anti aging treatment that is being discovered by more people who, although they want to turn back the aging clock a few years, do not want to commit to something as drastic as plastic surgery. As we look to our Hollywood role models to shape our own beauty image, Botox s popularity looks set to carry on rising. With treatment centres noting a marked increase in the number of people inquiring about this particular form of fast and effective facial treatment, it is a trend that looks set to continue.

About the Author: Dr Sean Lanigan – sk:n was established in 1990 and is the UK’s leading provider of skincare conditions treatment and products including:



anti wrinkle treatment

and laser treatments such as hair removal and laser tattoo removal.



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