Are You Tough Enough to Work from Home?
Tony Mase
Seems like an odd question, right? After all, without a rush hour commute, a dress code, and a break room that smells like stale coffee, things must be a breeze, right?
Not exactly!
Working from home can be a whole lot tougher than you think and, unfortunately, lots of people don\’t succeed at it. Here\’s how you can tell if you\’re tough enough to work from home:
1. You know how to separate \”work time\” from \”home time\”.
Think Monday morning might be a great time to throw that mountain of laundry into the washing machine? Think again! If you\’re going to succeed at working from home, you\’ve got to treat your home like an office 40 hours a week (or whatever number of hours a week you choose to devote to \”work\”). That means no cleaning, no camping out in front of the TV, and no playing with the kids. If you don\’t save all of those things for your \”home time\”, you\’ll never get anything productive done!
2. You can ignore all of the distractions.
Just because you\’re committed to having a set \”work time\” doesn\’t mean everyone else around you will be. Your spouse may ask you to run a million errands (after all, he or she\’s stuck in the office all day!), your kids may view you as the perennial playmate (after all, you\’re there all day!), or your retired friends may expect you to meet up for coffee every morning (after all, you don\’t have a boss to keep tabs on you!). If you don\’t have the ability to ignore all of these distractions, your work will inevitably suffer.
3. You\’ve got self-discipline.
Isn\’t it amazing how much people can accomplish when they know their boss is sitting in the next room?! If you\’re one of those people who only gets down to business because there are consequences if you don\’t, you may not be cut out to work from home. Remember, at home, there won\’t be a boss to hold your nose to the ground. Instead, it\’ll be up to you to motivate yourself!
4. You know when to quit.
Oftentimes, people who work from home are the first ones to get burned out. After all, the office is right there! You can send one more email! You can get a little bit done before everyone wakes up on Sunday! Unfortunately \”just one email\” usually turns into a dozen and \”working early\” on Sunday has a habit of turning into an all-day affair.
Ignoring the distractions, being able to motivate yourself, and having \”work time\” is admirable. However, if you don\’t know when to quit, you may end up with nothing BUT your work! So, set a stopping time. When it rolls around, turn off your computer, leave the office, and focus on everything else that\’s going on in your life.
Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the publisher of the \”Answer Phones for Profit\”
ebook by Leo J. Quinn, Jr.
that shows you how you can make money doing something you already do everyday from the comfort of your own home. Grab your copy now at:
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