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Submitted by: Chung Crissler
However, Examunion is the only website whose 300-165 CCNP Data Center preparation material are developed by a study of the leading IT experts’s reference materials. The information of Examunion can ensure you pass your first time to participate in the Cisco certification 300-165 exam.Cisco certification 300-165 exam is a test of IT professional knowledge. Examunion is a website which can help you quickly pass Cisco certification 300-165 exams.
Share some CCNP Data Center 300-165 exam questions and answers below.
Which statement about SNMP support on Cisco Nexus switches is true?
A. Cisco NX-OS only supports SNMP over IPv4.
B. Cisco NX-OS supports one instance of the SNMP per VDC.
C. SNMP is not VRF-aware.
E. Only users belonging to the network operator RBAC role can assign SNMP groups.
Answer: B
Which two statements about Cisco Nexus 7000 line cards are true? (Choose two.)
A. M1, M2, and F1 cards are allowed in the same VDC.
B. M line cards are service-oriented and likely face the access layer and provide Layer 2 connectivity.
C. F line cards are performance-oriented and likely connect northbound to the core layer for Layer 3 connectivity.
D. M line cards support Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 with large forwarding tables and a rich feature set.
E. The F2 line card must reside in the admin VDC.
Answer: A, D
Which statement about RADIUS configuration distribution using Cisco Fabric Services on a Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switch is true?
A. Cisco Fabric Services does not distribute the RADIUS server group configuration or server and global keys.
B. Enabling Cisco Fabric Services causes the existing RADIUS configuration on your Cisco NX-OS device to be immediately distributed.
C. When the RADIUS configuration is being simultaneously changed on more than one device in a Cisco Fabric Services region, the most recent changes will take precedence.
D. Only the Cisco NX-OS device with the lowest IP address in the Cisco Fabric Services region can lock the RADIUS configuration.
Answer: A
Which three items must be configured in the port profile client in Cisco UCS Manager? (Choose three.)
A. port profile
C. data cente
D. folde
E. vCenter IP address
F. VM port group
Answer: B, C, D
By default it will take 10 seconds for authentication to fail due to an unresponsive RADIUS server before a Cisco Nexus series switch reverts to another RADIUS server or local authentication. What is one efficient way to improve the reaction time to a RADIUS server failure?
A. Decrease the global RADIUS retransmission count to 1.
B. Decrease the global RADIUS timeout interval to 5 seconds.
C. Configure the RADIUS retransmission count and timeout interval per server, versus globally.
D. Configure per server a test idle timer, along with a username and password.
Answer: D
IT industry is growing very rapidly in the past few years, so a lot of people start to learn IT knowledge, so that keep them for future success efforts. Cisco 300-165 certification exam is essential certification of the IT industry, many people frustrated by this certification. Today, I will tell you a good way to pass the exam which is to choose Examunion 300-165 CCNP Data Center preparation material. It can help you to pass the exam, and we can guarantee 100% pass rate.
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Passing Cisco certification 300-165 exam is the stepping stone towards your career peak. Examunion 300-165 CCNP Data Center practice test can help you pass Cisco certification 300-165 exam successfully.Cisco certification 300-165 exam has a pivotal position in the IT industry, and I believe that a lot of IT professionals agree with it. Passing Cisco certification 300-165 exam has much difficulty and needs to have perfect IT knowledge and experience. Because after all, Cisco certification 300-165 exam is an authoritative test to inspect examinees’ IT professional knowledge.
Share some CCNP Data Center 300-165 exam questions and answers below.
Which statement explains why a Cisco UCS 6200 Fabric Interconnect that is configured in end-host mode is beneficial to the unified fabric network?
A. There is support for multiple (power of 2) uplinks.
B. Upstream Layer 2 disjoint networks will remain separated.
C. The 6200 can connect directly via vPC to a Layer 3 aggregation device.
D. STP is not required on the uplink ports from the 6200.
Answer: D
Which two statements about Cisco Nexus 7000 line cards are true? (Choose two.)
A. M1, M2, and F1 cards are allowed in the same VDC.
B. M line cards are service-oriented and likely face the access layer and provide Layer 2 connectivity.
C. F line cards are performance-oriented and likely connect northbound to the core layer for Layer 3 connectivity.
D. M line cards support Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 with large forwarding tables and a rich feature set.
E. The F2 line card must reside in the admin VDC.
Answer: A, D
Which GLBP load-balancing algorithm ensures that a client is always mapped to the same VMAC address?
A. vmac-weighted
B. dedicated-vmac-mode
C. shortest-path and weighting
D. host-dependent
Answer: D
Which statement about SNMP support on Cisco Nexus switches is true?
A. Cisco NX-OS only supports SNMP over IPv4.
B. Cisco NX-OS supports one instance of the SNMP per VDC.
C. SNMP is not VRF-aware.
E. Only users belonging to the network operator RBAC role can assign SNMP groups.
Answer: B
Which three items must be configured in the port profile client in Cisco UCS Manager? (Choose three.)
A. port profile
C. data cente
D. folde
E. vCenter IP address
F. VM port group
Answer: B, C, D
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About the Author: Passing Cisco certification 300-165 exam is the stepping stone towards your career peak. Examunion 300-165 CCNP Data Center practice test can help you pass Cisco certification 300-165 exam successfully.
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