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Selecting The Right Wood Filing Cabinets
Michiel Van Kets
The standard sizes of wooden filing cabinets are:
— Letter-for business and legal sized paper — Legal-which holds both business and legal size — Lateral-with two or three drawers for business and legal size — Personal-which is small and only holds business sized paper — The metal brackets inside both the letter and legal sized cabinets can be moved to use the alternate way. Solid oak filing cabinets are available with two to five drawers. A two or three drawer cabinet could be used as an end table, nightstand or the place where a fax machine, copier, printer or coffee machine is kept. With bookends, it could hold manuals, recipe books or other reference books depending on your activities or business. The size of cabinet needed as well as the place it will be kept should be decided. If a huge amount of storage space is required, a five-drawer filing cabinet may be the right choice. A two-drawer cabinet is 30 inches high. Several can be put next to each other for a large surface on top. Lateral file cabinets also have this feature without the tiny gap between cabinets. A three-drawer cabinet stands 43 inches high with more storage space. It is still low enough to put books, plants or a vase of flowers on top. A four-drawer cabinet is 55 inches and a five drawer is even taller. These are usually for professional use and not often found in a home office. Good quality filing cabinets are made of solid oak. Particle board is also solid wood according to the Furniture Manufacturers Association, but it is not strong or good quality and will not last or stand up to heavy use. Solid oak will withstand everyday use and look the same for years. Filing cabinets must hold a lot of weight and need to be constructed with glue screws and clamps. The drawers should have English Dovetail joints and this is only possible in solid oak, cherry or pine. Particleboard would crumble with this kind of joint. The hardware in filing cabinets is the handles, runner systems and locks. Runners must pull out 90 percent of the drawer, otherwise the back of the drawer will be difficult to use. The best type of glide system for the drawers is a full ball bearing with full extension slide system that holds at least a 100-pound weight rating. Handles should be bolted to the drawer so they do not break off after much use. There are locks that will lock the whole cabinet with one key on the top drawer as well as locks for each drawer. This is the better option if one cabinet is used for several types of business. Some safety tips for very tall filing cabinets
can help prevent the cabinet becoming top heavy and tipping over.
— It is better not to put things on top of four or five drawer cabinets — Fill the lower drawers first and put any heavy items in the lower two drawers — If the place is permanent, the cabinet can be attached to the wall — Keep the top two drawers only half full Solid light oak office furniture
as well as dark oak office furniture is very stylish, secure and sturdy. Purchasing this type of furniture is a real investment that will last for years.
Michiel Van Kets writes articles for Oak Furniture Solutions, a premier online supplier of premium-quality oak furniture and pine furniture. They have over 120 product ranges to choose from, all including
Light Oak Office Furniture
, Filing Cabinets,
Dark Oak Office Furniture
, TV cabinets and more.
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