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By Josh Schlottman
The action film 300 received a ton of news coverage along with the envy of its audience for the ripped bodies all the actors had. It was obvious they were working out extremely hard and dieting down like madmen. Even though the movie itself is considered a really great movie, it stands to reason that a big reason for its success is the ripped bodies that the actors built for the roles in the film.
The actors in the film 300 who played Spartan warriors trained for months with extreme interval training techniques that are specifically designed for rapid fat loss along with lean muscle building. These workouts that the actors went through were very difficult and shouldn’t be attempted by amateurs, but the hard work obviously paid off well since their six pack abs were all over the big screen.
The real key behind their training secrets was using super high intensity along with having very short rest periods in between. This creates an oxygen deficit in the body and also build up lactic acid in the muscles, both of these mixed together leads to a very effective muscle building and fat burning combination. The actors also used total body exercises such as the deadlift and squat to maximize their workouts and get the best results possible.
This Spartan 300 abs workout is inspired by the extreme training the actors went through in their preparation for the film. This abs workouts is going to be 300 total reps with no rest in between exercises so we can maximize our fat burning and muscle toning results in order to get the six pack abs everybody wants.
Here is the full Spartan 300 Abs Workout:
1. Hover Plank Hand Touch: lie facedown on the ground and then come up on your elbows so your body is elevated off the ground. Make sure you keep a straight line with your body and tighten your abs. Keep breathing throughout the movement and slowly reach out in front of you with one hand and touch the floor. Do this exercise for a total of 20 repetitions.
2. Bicycle and Rotates: Laying on your back with your hands behind your head, bring one knee up to your elbow while extending the other leg away from you. Go ahead and alternate so you’re now touching your other elbow to your opposite knee. Repeat for 40 repetitions.
3. Russian Twists: Sitting down on the ground, lean back and lift your feet off the ground. Keeping your knees steady move your hands from side to side, touching the floor. Repeat for 30 repetitions.
4. Spider Crawl: Starting in the pushup position, bring one foot up towards your opposite hand and then keep alternating sides. Be sure to repeat for 20 repetitions.
5. Scissor Kicks: Lay on your back with your feet straight up in the air. With your hands behind your head, lower one leg down towards the ground while bringing up your elbow to the opposite knee that is still up in the air. Alternate and repeat for 30 repetitions.
6. Squat Thrusts: Starting in the pushup position, explode your feet up towards your hand and then bring them back to the starting position. Repeat for 30 repetitions.
7. V-Situps: Lay on your back with your hand outreached above your head. At the same time bring your feet and your hands up over your body so they touch each other. Next bring them back down to the ground and repeat for 25 repetitions.
8. Side-Ups: Lay on your side so your elbow is underneath your shoulder and your body is straight. Lift your body off the ground so there’s a straight line from your shoulder to your foot. Then bring your body back to the ground and back up again for 20 repetitions per side.
9. 1-Legged Hip Bridges: Lay on your back with one leg up in the air and the other one down on the ground with your knee bent. Use the foot on the ground to lift your body up off the ground and the slowly bring it back down. Repeat for 15 repetitions per side.
10. Mountain Climbers: Start in the pushup position and quickly bring one knee to your chest and then back down to the starting position while simultaneously bringing your other knee up too. Repeat for a total of 45 repetitions to finish out the workout.
About the Author: Josh Schlottman is Napa personal trainer who specializes in getting his clients to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. For the video for his
300 abs workout
be sure to visit his fat loss fitness blog. Also visit Josh’s experiences on how to
lose belly fat in 1 week
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