By MiShaun Taylor
Although some dog breeds are more likely to get ear infections than others, just about every dog has experienced an ear infection at one time or another. According to veterinarians, dog ear infections are one of the most popular ailments that affect dogs every single year. In this article, we’ll discuss this common infection as well as the causes of it as well. In the end you’ll have a better understanding of dog ear infections.
There are two types of dog ear infections. The first is otitis media which is an infection of the middle ear and otis externa is an infection of the dog’s external ear canal. Although both types of dog ear infections can be treated with holistic and traditional medical treatments, it is always recommended that dog owners seek treatment instead of letting the infection run their course. This is because infections can cause serious damage to your dog if left untreated. For instance, an untreated ear infection can harm your dog’s eardrums or damage blood vessels.
Otis externa and Otis media
The main cause of otitis externa is accumulated wax, hair or debris in the ear canal, yeast and bacteria, or improper ear drainage caused by a tumor or other medical condition.
Otis media is typically caused by debris, improper ear cleaning that ruptures the ear drum, foreign bacteria or yeast, or an infection that travels from the external to the middle ear.
Symptoms of dog ear infections
There are many symptoms of dog ear infections including odor emanating from your dog’s ears, black, red or yellowish drainage coming from your dog’s ear, increase in your dog’s scratching or tilting his head, etc. If you notice any of these signs, you should take your dog in to have him checked for an ear infection.
Vet visit to treat the ear infection
Once you’re at the vet, he will perform a routine examination and check your dog’s ears with an otoscope, an instrument that allows him to see inside his ear. If he finds a foreign matter in your dog’s ear that is causing the infection, he will need to remove it while your dog is under sedation. He will also perform a cytology or swab of your the inside of your dog’s ear. This will tell him the type of ear infection. In some instances, your veterinarian may also suggest additional tests or x-rays. It is important to keep in mind that some infections are harder to treat than others and may take 5-6 weeks to clear up.
– Do whatever you can to keep water out of your dog’s ears as it tends to be a breeding ground for bacteria.
– Make sure you trim the hairs inside your dog’s ears.
– Make it a point to check your dog’s ears once a week for signs of infection and be prepared to act quickly in case of infection.
In conclusion, dog ear infections can be harmful if left untreated. Therefore, if you suspect that your dog has an infection, you should seek the care of a qualified veterinarian to assist him right away. By doing this, you can get him the quality of veterinarian care that he needs to get better.
About the Author: Is your dog traumatized when you leave him alone? Don’t get mad or frustrated. He may be suffering from dog separation anxiety. Learn proven and humane tips to help him overcome dog separation anxiety once and for all! Visit
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